A Call to Breathe and Lead

To humanitarians, to development workers, to all those serving a greater purpose. You’re passionate, you work your ass off. You’ve juggled three people’s jobs at once. You have been to the edge and back – the edge of the world, joy, sorrow, exhaustion, of humanity. Even through healthy skepticism, you see the potential. Deep down you’re an optimist. Otherwise you would have left already. You’re not naïve, you see the cracks in the system, in your organization, your own role. Still you see the potential. 

I see your drive, your passion, your dedication to something bigger than yourself. I also see the exhaustion, the frustration, the unhealthy habits, the loneliness. I see your questioning – what next, where next? How can I have more impact without burning out? How can I make room for other things I love and still be true to my passion?

It starts with a conversation. You step into a space that’s a little oasis in the hectic storm, where it’s calm enough to think. It’s quiet enough to hear that voice inside that’s seeking more clarity, more of what you love, more courage to make life changing decisions, more room to breathe. You say aloud the things you didn’t know were in you – a different kind of bravery or self-compassion, a desire you hadn’t yet named. 

You move through fear. Not just the fear or obstacles you see plainly, but the ones beneath the surface that when managed, allow room for so much more. 

You spring into action. Two steps forward, one sideways. From the movements you make between conversations and the new habits that form, to the leaps in how you approach your next big challenge, how you climb that next mountain top. 

It starts with a conversation and it ends with answers to your burning questions. It ends with trusting yourself and finding courage to make the changes you ache for. To lead in the ways only you can. It ends with the creativity and oxygen that exist beyond the exhaustion. It ends with renewed passion and an expanded sense of what’s possible. 

There will be more burning questions ahead, more fears to manage, more mountain tops to climb. AND now you have more of what you need to make that journey work for you. 

I’m here to listen, to challenge, to champion, to support you. Let’s start the conversation.

If this speaks to you, email me or book a chat (top right), and let’s see what coaching can do for you!

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